What use of cookies on our website?

When you browse our website, information may be recorded, or read, in your web browser, subject to your validation.

Cookies enable you to use shopping carts and to personalize your experience on our sites, tell us which parts of our websites people have visited, help us measure the effectiveness of ads and web searches, and give us insights into user behavior so we can improve our communications and products.


What types of cookies I can accept or configure:

  • Necessary: These are cookies that are essential for the proper functioning of the site and the purchasing possibilities (shopping cart).
  • Site preferences: These are cookies related to site preferences, eg. remember your username, or the customizable elements on the site that must be remembered to restore them on your next visit, etc.
  • Analytics: Cookies linked to the Google Anaytics tool that we use to measure the number of visits to the site, the types of browsers, the pages visited, order transactions, etc.
  • Marketing: Cookies related to marketing, eg. newsletters, social networks, etc.


Consent on the use of cookies:

By validating the use of cookies, you accept the storage and reading of cookies in order to analyze your browsing and allow us to measure the audience of our website.


Period of validity of consent:

The validity period for accepting the use of cookies on our site is 30 days. After these deadlines you will be consulted again to accept or decline the use of cookies on our site.


Refusal of the use of cookies:

By refusing the use of cookies on our website, we will no longer be able to analyze your browsing and allow us to measure the audience of our website.